
Focus on your business and we’ll run the robots.

With our subscription-based model, you minimize CapEx and keep your existing infrastructure. Our customers pay only for what matters most: warehouse productivity.


Pay Only For What Matters Most:
Your Warehouse Productivity

You don’t need to buy robots or be a robotics expert to reap the benefits of warehouse automation. We handle everything. Through our Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) model, we own, operate, and continuously optimize our robots to integrate with your fulfillment processes. As a result, you can avoid large infrastructure investments and pay just for the productivity our automation delivers.


Extend your staff with robots and the experts to run them

Think of us as virtual members of your team–not just our service robots, but also the experts who monitor them. While our autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) boost your productivity, our engineers work remotely to keep your system maintained and optimized.


All operating costs included

Instead of cost-prohibitive CapEx, we provide autonomous robots and powerful software as a cost-effective service that integrates seamlessly into your current warehouse. Your monthly subscription fee aligns our services with your business goals, so you only pay for what you need based on your throughput requirements. We own, operate, and maintain the equipment over the lifetime of your service contract.


Easily scale throughput based on order volume

Our system can easily be configured to meet your unique needs. inVia’s AI automation system can be scaled to flex with order volume and seasonality. No need to source and manage from a scarce and inconsistent labor pool.

The Robotics Operation Center

Our Robotics Operation Center (ROC) is an extension of your staff that provides robotics expertise, dedicated remote monitoring, and support of the entire system.

Go at your own pace

With a phased approach to warehouse technology adoption, inVia automation solutions meet the expectations of today and adapt to tomorrow's demand.

Software Icon

Option 1

Software Only

Use the power of artificial intelligence and modern warehouse technology to orchestrate workflows and make manual processes more efficient, while fully utilizing all of your workforce. Improve inventory control and minimize human error to improve storage density and inventory accuracy.
Automated Labor Icon

Option 2

Automated Labor

Once you've optimized your resource allocation and the location of your inventory, adding robots into your operations automates repetitive tasks yielding even greater productivity gains.
Automated Warehouse Icon

Option 3

Automated Warehouse

With warehouse space and labor optimized, manual processes minimized, and robots on the floor, you're ready to take it to the next level and expand the level of automation —and operational efficiency—in your warehouse.

Scholastic Canada triples productivity and cuts labor cost by 70%

increase in pick rates at unit level
in labor cost
“We’ve integrated inVia's full Robotics-as-a-Service solution, including the software that optimizes our workflows and the robots to automate the tasks. It was a minimal investment in CapEx and we were able to use the existing floor space to triple our pick rates and reduce our labor shortage woes all in one shot."
Chad MacGillivray | VP of Distribution Operations, Scholastic Canada

SICK boosts pick rates with inVia PickerWall

increase in pick rates at unit level
increase in pick rates at line level
“We needed the automation to be flexible, scalable. We were looking for a minimum upfront investment to get payback quickly.”
Randy Ross | Head of Supply Chain at SICK

Gnarlywood reduces labor cost by 65% and boosts productivity 6x

decrease in labor cost
increase in pick rates
“We wouldn’t have made it through this year without inVia. They completely changed the way we do business."
Dayton Hicks | Founder and CEO at Gnarlywood


The Control Center for Your Fulfillment System

We take the worry out of automation with remote operation of our robots and active monitoring of your fulfillment process. Our ROC makes sure your operations never miss a beat.

inVia Simulation

We use live simulations to monitor your warehouse and proactively troubleshoot any potential issues before they become a problem.

inVia Dashboard

Make informed decisions with detailed business intelligence reporting. Use your dashboard to see the overall performance of your operations or drill down to view the individual worker productivity.

Request a Demo

Did you know that you can boost your productivity 2-3x with inVia Logic's AI automation solution and 5x when you add inVia Picker autonomous mobile robots?

Complete the form and a member of our team will contact you to conduct a demo that explains how you can increase your productivity with the inVia system.