The inVia System

Your Fastest Path to Warehouse Automation

inVia’s patented Goods-to-Person automation orchestrates all fulfillment workflows so that you always meet your SLAs.


Power Up Your Warehouse

Whether you choose to begin with our software alone or jump right in with our robots, the inVia system is designed to adapt easily to your needs and scale quickly to get you to the next level. Our automation system is comprised of nimble robots, powerful AI-driven optimization software, and 24/7 proactive monitoring. Our system dramatically increases productivity and accuracy by creating efficient workflows, eliminating wasteful warehouse walking, and ensuring smooth operations day and night. 

Explore our system

inVia Logic
Intelligence that keeps
your SLA promise
inVia Logic AI Automation software orchestrates your most valuable assets – inventory, people, and equipment. It makes your warehouse operations smarter so you can speed up your order processing and increase order accuracy.

inVia PickMate

Keep your people productive
with simple instructions

inVia PickMate is simple, intuitive hardware-agnostic software with a color-based interface. It directs warehouse workers to quickly and accurately pick and place goods that are moving through the order process.

inVia Picker Robot

Nimble, adaptable,
tireless team players

inVia Picker robots are small, safe, and easy-to-operate. They fit right into your warehouse and your team, and they operate autonomously – and tirelessly – to fulfill orders with precision.

Picker Robots In Warehouse Aisles

inVia PickerWall

Make 1,000 UPH pick rate
your fulfillment reality

inVia PickerWall is a dynamic pick/put wall our robots build with each day’s orders. The robots work in rote fashion on one side of the wall, while people work in bursts on the other side, pulling products and sorting them into order bins. Costly warehouse walking is eliminated and workers can rotate freely across other warehouse tasks.


inVia System Modules

The inVia system offers a comprehensive set of modules that manage every fulfillment task in your warehouse.

inVia PickMate Pallet Picking

Pack Out

inVia Sortation & Consolidation

inVia Hospital

inVia Replenishment

inVia Reserve Storage

inVia Picker Picking

inVia Putbacks & Returns

Go at your own pace

With a phased approach to warehouse technology adoption, inVia automation solutions meet the expectations of today and adapt to tomorrow's demand.

Software Icon

Option 1

Software Only

Use the power of artificial intelligence and modern warehouse technology to orchestrate workflows and make manual processes more efficient, while fully utilizing all of your workforce. Improve inventory control and minimize human error to improve storage density and inventory accuracy.
Automated Labor Icon

Option 2

Automated Labor

Once you've optimized your resource allocation and the location of your inventory, adding robots into your operations automates repetitive tasks yielding even greater productivity gains.
Automated Warehouse Icon

Option 3

Automated Warehouse

With warehouse space and labor optimized, manual processes minimized, and robots on the floor, you're ready to take it to the next level and expand the level of automation —and operational efficiency—in your warehouse.

Request a Demo

Did you know that you can boost your productivity 2-3x with inVia Logic's AI automation solution and 5x when you add inVia Picker autonomous mobile robots?

Complete the form and a member of our team will contact you to conduct a demo that explains how you can increase your productivity with the inVia system.